Thursday, March 17, 2011

Just Not Right

I wish the media had even a tiny bit of respect for the feelings of those who are surviving through the worst series of tragedies in our time.  The man who's just discovered his family didn't survive doesn't need an interview...  He needs the cameras to be turned off, and the microphones set aside, and he needs a hug, and words of kindness.  I'm quickly losing respect for a whole heck of a lot of reporters. 

Those reporters are there with their crews and their equipment, and I'm sure they aren't spending every night in piles of rubble.  They have their makeup on, and their hair done, and their clean and still pressed outfits when they go on the air.  And then they stick their microphones and cameras into the faces - into the lives - of people who are totally and completely without.   Without homes, without families, without food, shelter, or clothing.  Without the most basic of all things, water.  Without what they knew to be their lives.

Those reporters are taking advantage of those who are weak and weary, and that's just not right.

I cry at the drop of a hat again these days.  I suppose that's mostly because of my ever-changing, messed up, pre-menopausal hormone levels.  But I think it's also because I have a heart.  Every time I turn on the television, there's another image of suffering in earthquake- and tsunami- ravaged Japan, and my heart breaks.  I don't know how the major news network reporters have become so calloused that they can dig for their story, and just ignore the anguish in the eyes of those they interview.  It's as if they've lost their humanity.

I hate how much some people can just, well... suck sometimes.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Ah… Thursday night. Thursday night is kids’ night at karate. If you don’t get there early, you don’t get a seat. Especially now that there are lots and LOTS of new, young kids in class. Naturally, we didn’t get there early enough, and I’m sittin’ in the hallway. Thankfully, the hallway is carpeted and clean. If I wasn’t sure it would mess up my sleeping pattern for the night, I’d probably move to the van for a short nap.

The discussions of the day today between the H.H. and myself were almost exclusively about vacation. We really need to make at least an initial decision about this year’s vacation destination. If we don’t decide soon, our first choice(s) will be booked. You’d think selecting a vacation spot would be easy, but it’s not. There are so many things to take into consideration, like whether or not any given vacation spot will have things for each of us to do. We also have to take some ridiculously high gas prices into consideration. As the price as the pump rises, our potential destinations get closer and closer to home.

Activities on vacation is a hot topic for us. The H.H. loves to go fishing. Kathryn enjoys it, too. Sarah and I could take it or leave it. But we both love to browse through little shops and boutiques. We all enjoy hiking, at least to some extent. Jack can handle doing just about anything – for a while. Everyone except me loves a good amusement park.

So...  you can see where it's a topic that could consume a conversation.  This weekend, we are definitely going to make a decision.  Even if it is just an initial one.  :)