About Me

I've always been Mary, but several years ago, the sun came out, so to speak, when a friend and I were working on a community project. There were two Mary's working together, and she needed a way to set me apart. That's when the "Sunshyn" was added to my name. It stuck, and now lots and lots of people know me as Mary Sunshyn, or sometimes even just as Sunshyn.

I'm born and raised and living in Central Illinois, married to a great guy, and have 4 wonderful step-children.

I started my blog after the death of my mother, when I realized how very desperately I missed her, and talking with her about everything and nothing at all.  She was my best friend, my confidant, and the world's best listener, and I think of her every day.  Rambling aimlessly here, I express just a tiny bit of what I'd share with her.