Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 3, aka Monday

Since we were all a bit sunburned from Sunday's pool side lounging, yesterday was a daytime inside day.  Charlie and Jack stayed at the resort and played putt-putt and ping pong, and napped.  The girls and I went shopping.   There is a great outlet mall at the end of International Drive that's full of great deals.  Of course, we started the day's adventure with a stop at Starbuck's.  We had to rev up for serious shopping.

After our long day of bargain hunting, we hit Chicago UNO for dinner (yumalicious) and then went to the pool.   Sarah, in particular, was ready for some scuba action.

We made a couple of new friends at the pool -

Snails were out in force last night, and Jack was loving it.   I only saw one tree frog, though.  Last year at home, we had hundreds of the little critters, but I haven't seen one there yet this year.  So it was nice to see this fellow on the fence last night. 
Today's a beach day.  It's been raining every afternoon around 4 here, so we're hoping that pattern continues, and carries over to the coasts.   By that time of day, we're usually ready to leave the beach and get the sand out of our - well, everything.   I want to take a nice family picture on the beach, but in all reality, I'm not sure I'll be able to get that done today.  Nobody's too willing to wake up and get moving and ready to go yet.  I guess we'll see what happens - this might be a totally wacky family pic today, and a nice one tomorrow.
Tomorrow is another beach day, and we get to meet Kathryn's college roommate.  Yay!  She lives here in Florida, and we are going to meet up with her and her parents for dinner.  I'm very excited about that!  It will be good to know who she's going to be spending so much time with during the coming school year. 
And now I'm off to try again to wake these folks up so we can get to the beach! 

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