Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Well, we've had a piano for 4 1/2 days. And already I'm in trouble because Sarah hasn't had a lesson yet... I can't win. I am convinced there is nothing I could possibly do that would be good enough. I keep trying and trying and trying, and I'm beginning to wonder why. : (

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Wow! It's humid and hot in Illinois today! And I've become painfully aware of how extremely out of shape I am. I may be able to walk and/or jog 3 or 4 miles, but the bike just about killed me! I'm going to have to work a little more on working out. Geesh.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ha! I just saw that commercial with the chimpanzee in the Elvis jumpsuit again. I giggled again.
Happy Sunday!

My day started out a little "off kilter". I got up and got ready bright and early, thinking I needed to be ready by 7:00. But.... The H.H. was in need of some extra sleep, so I had to re-think my plan for the day.

Yesterday was his drum corps reunion, and he had a GREAT time. So great, in fact, that he left his car at Knight's Action Park overnight, and had a friend drive him home. (Better safe than sorry!) After he got up this morning, I drove him to get his car, and he went on to meet his fellow drum corp reunion organizers for a celebratory breakfast, while I went on to the late service at our church.

And church was - aparently - just where I needed to be this morning. Isn't it crazy how sometimes the sermon seems to have been written just for you? That's how it was for me this morning. I was all "off" my schedule, worried about cleaning the house, and laundry, and running errands, and getting things done when I thought I "should" get them done. I was getting grouchy, and wondering if I had "time" to go to church to listen to a sermon. I wasn't realizing how, while those things do have to get done, they aren't the really important things today. And that's what the sermon was about today - about the story of Martha and Mary and Martha busying herself with preparations and worrying about being a good host, while Mary spent her time listening to Jesus.

I needed that reminder about priorities.

And now I'm back on track. I've had copious amounts of coffee, and I'm about to have more. My friend, Jennifer, is coming over for a bit this afternoon. The H.H. is off to sell a house (I hope!), and all is well.

Happy Sunday, indeed!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Oh, and thanks to the Handsome Husband! He found my beer at Friar Tuck's. Yum!

There's something just funny about a chimp in an Elvis jumpsuit.

I just saw a commercial for a car company, and at the end of the commercial, there was the cutest darned chimp in an Elvis jumpsuit. He was pushing down the "TNT" style plunger to shoot confetti into the air.

It made me giggle. : )
Things are looking up on the beer front. Party House Liquors said they would order a case of Redbridge gluten free beer for me. They usually only keep a very small inventory, and it's always out. Next Wednesay, I might just get to have a beer. Yay!
Hmmm... This business of updating via text could be "the" selling point for me here. Talk about E-Z...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

OK, well... this is new. And I can't say I'm sure it'll last. I rather like the idea of my own blog. But it's not nearly as easy as this is seemingly going to be.

So... we'll see how blogger goes. : )