Sunday, July 18, 2010

Happy Sunday!

My day started out a little "off kilter". I got up and got ready bright and early, thinking I needed to be ready by 7:00. But.... The H.H. was in need of some extra sleep, so I had to re-think my plan for the day.

Yesterday was his drum corps reunion, and he had a GREAT time. So great, in fact, that he left his car at Knight's Action Park overnight, and had a friend drive him home. (Better safe than sorry!) After he got up this morning, I drove him to get his car, and he went on to meet his fellow drum corp reunion organizers for a celebratory breakfast, while I went on to the late service at our church.

And church was - aparently - just where I needed to be this morning. Isn't it crazy how sometimes the sermon seems to have been written just for you? That's how it was for me this morning. I was all "off" my schedule, worried about cleaning the house, and laundry, and running errands, and getting things done when I thought I "should" get them done. I was getting grouchy, and wondering if I had "time" to go to church to listen to a sermon. I wasn't realizing how, while those things do have to get done, they aren't the really important things today. And that's what the sermon was about today - about the story of Martha and Mary and Martha busying herself with preparations and worrying about being a good host, while Mary spent her time listening to Jesus.

I needed that reminder about priorities.

And now I'm back on track. I've had copious amounts of coffee, and I'm about to have more. My friend, Jennifer, is coming over for a bit this afternoon. The H.H. is off to sell a house (I hope!), and all is well.

Happy Sunday, indeed!

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