Plain and simple, being sick sucks. I took Jack to karate class last night, and about 10 minutes after we got there, I developed THE WORST stomach cramps. My tummy just plain HURT. And even worse, I realized getting sick was inevitable. Thank heavens for our friend, Scott, who is a black belt at the dojo, and a close neighbor. When I said I was going to have to leave, he offered to give Jack a ride home. And, wow, was I thankful for that offer! I made it home with no time to spare. I was sick, sick, sick. I know it's not "technically" the flu, but if you say "flu", everyone knows what you mean, so I'll say it... I had the flu. And it was a flu of the worst kind. I don't remember ever having such pains in my stomach. Ugh. I was sick. And I was just about totally out of it until mid-afternoon today.
I'm feeling pretty much back to normal now, and we're back at the karate dojo for class again tonight. So far, so good!
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