Ah, January 1st. Its so funny, if you really think about it, the way our society acts as though life's reset button gets pressed every January 1st. And it's even funnier, really, that it actually kind of works that way. We all make new beginnings based on the calendar. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who'll say that today just "feels" different somehow. "Visualize, Believe, Realize" is so true. In our own ways, we each visualize January 1st as a new beginning, we do believe in it, and so it's just the way it is.
A big part of the "new beginning" thought is the concept of the new year's RESOLUTION. Because we get another chance to start over every January 1st, we make resolutions based on what we didn't quite get right in the past year. Some of us, myself included, have made the same resolution over and over - and over - again. Like losing weight, or quitting smoking. I resolved about 10 times to quit smoking on January 1st, but ultimately my quitting had nothing to do with the calendar. When I threw out the smokes, it was on an August day.
New Year's Day resolutions seem to be for the fun of it, in alot of cases. People recite their resolutions with a chuckle, and often throw in a disclaimer about how long they think they'll last. Like "I'm going to exercise every day this year! Of course, by about February I'll be back on the couch, but I'm going to start off right." It's like people are giving themselves an out... like if they say something about the possibility of failure, it'll make it OK.
I'm not taking my resolutions lightly this year. And failure is not going to be an option. And that is why I'm not making a super-duper long list of things I resolve to change. That just wouldn't work. I'm realistic. I do have a super-duper long list of things I intend to accomplish this year. But those aren't resolutions. Those are my "2011 To-Do's". I still have to figure out a place to post those to keep them in my sights all year. But... that's for later today. Right now, I'm thinkin' about the resolutions.
Mary Sunshyn's New Year's Resolution #1 - Consistently exercise at least 4 times a week. The key there is "consistently". Since I re-joined fitClub last year, I've exercised, but not very consistently. Some months, I worked out almost every day. Others, though, I worked out for 10 days in a row, but then skipped 10. And THAT is why I haven't achieved my goals yet, and I know it. So.... this year, I'm committing to being consistent.
Mary Sunshyn's New Year's Resolution #2 - Plan our meals a week at a time, and STICK TO THE PLAN. I've noticed that I get lazy way too often, and stray from the plans I make for our meals. Which is not a big deal, on one hand. But on the other hand, when I stray from the plans, I end up at the grocery store WAY too often. I also end up feeding the fam less-than-stellar meals. And, I'm sure I spend more, since I go to the store based on an idea for the week's meals, and then go back for MORE. :) I know I'm not alone - lots of us do it. But this year, I'm sticking to the plan. This business of going to the store all the time cuts into my days way more than I like... which, in turn, leaves me less time to go work out, sit down and write, and lots of other things. So, that's enough of that!
Mary Sunshyn's New Year's Resolution #3 - Project Life. Picture of the Day. 'Nuff said.
and, kinda-sorta going hand-in-hand with #3...
Mary Sunshyn's New Year's Resolution #4 - Blog, blog, blog. I'm resolving to blog at least every other day.
Now, in the world of resolutions, I know that the only way to succeed is to have a plan. I'm one of those weirdo people who really and truly believes that saying "Failing to plan is planning to fail." So... I've got the plans. But I won't blabber on and on about them right now.
There you have it. January 1st. Resolutions. Thoughts. Plans. Now, it's time to get busy!