Wednesday, January 26, 2011

the "More"

Naturally, I'm totally exhausted again today, but...  I suppose that's just the way it is these days.  I can't expect to get enough sleep AND do all the 'stuff' I want to do.  But I said there'd be more today, so...  here's the "more". 

I figured out why I've not written anything this week.  I've been trying to decide just how to put into words some memories of my mom, and that's oh-so-very hard for me.  When I work on writing about her, I usually end up avoiding it.  I still miss her every day, and writing makes me miss her even more.   But I will, because it's important to remember.  I'm just not going to do that today.  Instead, for right now, I'm going to think more about my resolutions...

I've been doing so-so on the picture of the day thing.  I'm sure the kids will wonder why some days there are pictures of snow, or of my running shoes, or of some other silly thing that's not so silly to me.  Hopefully, my journaling cards will explain why I choose the pictures I choose.

Speaking of pictures, I'm trying to expand my photographic horizons by using various filters and effects in photoshop.  Here's the photo I'm using as the blog background for the next couple of weeks until Valentine's Day.

And here's the original

I like both, but in different ways.  I think I'm going to have alot of fun with photoshop!

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