Tuesday, February 1, 2011


First of all, I'm not even going to TRY to defend my slacking off here.  I haven't posted for days and days.  It seems every time I try to make time, I get distracted, and don't get back to it.  But today, I've got nothin' but time, because this is what it looked like outside just a couple of hours ago.

And since then, it's been snowing, sleeting, hailing (yes, hailing), or some mixture of them all, pretty steadily and pretty heavily.  They expect us to get as much as 20 inches of total accumulation by the time this winter storm is over later tomorrow.

Being snowed in really doesn't bother me, as long as the power stays on.  My biggest concern is keeping the heat on!  I HATE not having power.  The kids get so ridiculously bored, and so do I, for that matter.  And in the winter, losing power can be so darned dangerous.  (Not to mention the fact that I can't make coffee...)   So I'm just sitting here, writing this, praying with all my might, that those little pellets of sleet I hear hitting against the window don't build up too much more on the power lines.

As long as the power stays on, I'm fine with it if the snow just keeps on coming.  We only get a really big snow storm about once every 20 years, so THAT part of this storm is cool.  I'm anxious for morning, to see the snow in the early morning's light.  I'll have my camera ready to snap some pictures as soon as I get up tomorrow!

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