Monday, February 28, 2011

New App

Once again, I must admit I've been a slacker.  I'm not living up to my blogging resolution.  I'm ok with it.  You'll just have to be ok with it, too.

On the other hand, I'm on top of my exercise resolution right now.  I bought a new app called Couch to 5k from Felt Tip, Inc.  I LOVE IT.  It lets me turn on my music, and when it's time, it lightly beeps in my ear, and tells me it's time to run, or time to walk.  It's great!  It's keeping me on task.  When I'm in charge of my own intervals, it's just too easy to cut my run time short.    Definitely the best $3 I've spent in a long time!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


It's Tuesday.  That's almost all I've got...  not quite, but almost...

This past weekend, the Handsome Husband and I went out for a nice Valentine's Day dinner date, albeit a day early on Sunday...  Talk about yummy! We both got terkiaki salmon, and enjoyed it thoroughly.  We also shared appetizers of summer rolls and lobster rangoon.  (Yes, my tummy did get a little mad at me over those, but it was worth it.)

Our Sunday night dinner out wound down an aggravating week of total grouchiness on the part of the H.H.  After the kids and I got him a new phone for his birthday on the 8th, everything went downhill...  the cellular provider sales rep messed up and switched over his data package before he should have.  Then there were a few glitches with some of the apps we installed.  The sound quality was horrible, and then, well, then...  the crystal broke.  Then we got the data package switched back to the old phone, but there were glitches with the texting.   All-in-all, it was pretty much a disaster as far as birthday presents go.  Now the phone's getting sent away for repair, and then maybe even replacement.  I'm just hoping things go better when we get it back, and "start over".

I'm not really doing so fantastically well with my picture of the day lately.  I've missed a few days.  But, I'm looking at it like this - I'm still capturing memories from most every day, and that's alot.  And it's going to make for a fantastic album to look back at.

The best news of my day was....  I lost another 1.4 pounds last week.  Ya-hooooooo!   My 2011 total is right around 7 pounds over the past 7 weeks (I didn't start on the first).  Not bad at all.  And, since I'm really just trying to eat clean, and exercise regularly, it's just proving to me that the very simplest changes really do make a difference.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snowmageddon Survival

Snowmageddon?  Yes.  Snowmageddon.  That's just one of the names given to last week's storm.  I've also heard Snowpocalypse and Snowapalooza.  Being stuck in a blizzard makes you silly, I guess.   And stuck is exactly what we were.  Once I got home on Tuesday afternoon, that was it for a while.  We got around 12 inches of snow - not as much as the forecast had predicted, but enough to bring life screeching to a halt here in Central Illinois. 

When I left work on Tuesday, there was level 2 emergency in place in our county, and soon after I got home, that was changed to a level 3.  A level 3 means all county roads are to be considered closed.  Shortly after that, the state police closed the highways.  The National Guard was stationed at the on/off ramps to turn people away.  It was crazy! 

I know lots and lots of people who lost power, and some were without it for more than a day.  Thankfully, nobody suffered any collateral damage as a result.   We never lost power here.  When I went to bed on Tuesday night, listening to the tiny little pellets of ice as they continued to hit the windows, I figured we'd just wake up half frozen in the middle of the dark night if the power did go out, and we'd have to stumble around until we found our flashlights.  We were ready for it, if it did go out - we had the sleeping bags lined up, the gas heater out, emergency bags packed, and hand warmers, hats, gloves, and scarves waiting for us.  But we made it through the storm with the power on. 

I stayed home on Wednesday.  My office opened, though I'm not sure how they could really do that, since the state and county roads were still all under that level 3 emergency, but they did.  I don't think many folks made the trek, but I guess enough made it to keep business going.

I couldn't have made it there if I'd tried.  Drifts were everywhere. 

At least not until well after noon.  Alot of that snow whirled around and landed right in front of our garage door.  It was like the snow was trying to hide from the wind.  We had 3 feet of snow along half the length of our driveway, and then it tapered down to about a foot by the end .  Of course, after that, there was a massive chunk of snow deposited by the snow plow to also dig through.   Thank God for snow blowers is all I can say.  Whoever invented those was a genius!

By the end of the day on Wednesday, we were pretty much all 110% bored.  I was never so happy to go to work on Thursday.  The kids were still out of school, though, and had to suffer through another snowbound day.  There's only so much TV watching, video gaming, snowman building, and just plain laying around that you can do!  Everybody was mostly happy to get out of the house and back to school on Friday, even if they did have to trudge through some snow to get to the bus stop.

And now, well...  Now it's snowing again.   I suppose maybe it IS snowmageddon.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


First of all, I'm not even going to TRY to defend my slacking off here.  I haven't posted for days and days.  It seems every time I try to make time, I get distracted, and don't get back to it.  But today, I've got nothin' but time, because this is what it looked like outside just a couple of hours ago.

And since then, it's been snowing, sleeting, hailing (yes, hailing), or some mixture of them all, pretty steadily and pretty heavily.  They expect us to get as much as 20 inches of total accumulation by the time this winter storm is over later tomorrow.

Being snowed in really doesn't bother me, as long as the power stays on.  My biggest concern is keeping the heat on!  I HATE not having power.  The kids get so ridiculously bored, and so do I, for that matter.  And in the winter, losing power can be so darned dangerous.  (Not to mention the fact that I can't make coffee...)   So I'm just sitting here, writing this, praying with all my might, that those little pellets of sleet I hear hitting against the window don't build up too much more on the power lines.

As long as the power stays on, I'm fine with it if the snow just keeps on coming.  We only get a really big snow storm about once every 20 years, so THAT part of this storm is cool.  I'm anxious for morning, to see the snow in the early morning's light.  I'll have my camera ready to snap some pictures as soon as I get up tomorrow!