Thursday, July 25, 2013


I didn't get a chance to sit down on Wednesday and post anything about Tuesday because I was SOOOOOOO tired I just couldn't form a decent chain of thoughts.  

We went to Madeira Beach on Tuesday. It's on the Gulf side, and we chose that beach because of the weather forecast.  Daytona, Smyrna, and Cocoa Beaches were all supposed to get rain.   That's the nice thing about being in the middle, in Orlando.  We can go to either side of the state to get to beaches, so we stand a better chance of finding good weather. 

Of course, it's US, and virtually noting we do is ever without incident. Somewhere along the way, it occurred to us that we resembled the crew from "Vacation", except we had a slight "cousin Eddie" spin to us.  Then, about half way to Madeira Beach, I realized I'd forgotten my towel, so...  we had to stop off at a Walgreen's to get me one.  But before that, we stopped at Starbuck's, entering the parking lot through the exit (of course), and then stopped at a Shell station to use the bathroom. 

By the time we got to the actual beach, it was a very welcome sight!

Charlie got our umbrella securely placed, and we got ourselves SPF-ed, and ready to "beach".

The beach was GORGEOUS, and we had lots of fun playing in the surf and the sand, and relaxing in the sun.

Best of all, we managed to get through the day without getting badly sunburned, and found a snack shack just off the beach where we got snow cones and ice cream and snapped a great family pic.  

After leaving the beach, we went to a great little shopping area not far from the beach at a place called John's Pass.  We checked out several shops, bought a few souvenirs, and saw dolphins in the water, and pelicans perched.  It was pretty cool.

Back home for the night, the kids just chilled at the resort, while Charlie and I went out for a bit. 

We drove along International Drive until we found a spot that looked appealing to us to stop for a drink or two, and we landed at a bar called "Howl at the Moon".  The entertainment was dueling pianos.  It was pretty good entertainment.  The musicians were competing for tips, and took requests from the audience.  They were great at getting the crowd involved, and people seemed to be having alot of fun.  We even got our picture taken there, and bought a print.  (yes, we DO have tourist stamped on our foreheads...)  We didn't stay out late, just long enough to spend a little time alone together.  It wasn't an early night, but it didn't seem like a terribly late night, either.  Until, of course, you look at it from my perspective on Wednesday morning.

Wednesday morning, I woke up at 4:30-ish, and couldn't get back to sleep.  I was a total zombie, and really couldn't think straight.  So...  I was dragging.  A LOT.  But I got up and at 'em, and got caffeinated.  It wasn't really all that long before everyone else was up and dressed, as well, and we were on the road headed back to the beach.  This time, we headed a bit farther south, towards Venice.  Kathryn's new college roommate, Hana, lives in Venice, and we took advantage of the opportunity to meet up with her and her family.   She met us at Nokomis Beach, where we lounged away most of the day, under a beautiful blue sky.

The sand on the beach at Nokomis Beach was, very literally, shell.  I know sand IS bits of shell, etc.  but this sand was REALLY shell-y.  In fact, later last night, when we all got home, we realized we all had tiny little pieces of shell still stuck to us!

When we left the beach, we went into Venice, to the Daiquiri Deck restaurant, and met Hana's parents.  We sat and talked, and enjoyed a really good meal, and great conversation.  It was good to spend time with Hana and her family, and to get to know them a little.  Kathryn and Hana are, after all, about to become really close! 

The drive back to Orlando was a long one - unlike Tuesday, we all got sunburned at Nokomis Beach.  I think it was partly because the shell-y sand was very white, and so it was much more reflective.  Plus, it was very windy, so we may have all gotten a bit of wind burn, as well.   By the time we got back to the resort, we were all pretty much ready to crash, and we did just that.  (especially me!)

Thursday (today) was an "old folks" sight seeing day in St. Augustine, while the kids stayed back at the resort.  I still have to upload my pics from that trip, so....  I'll write about that in the morning.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 3, aka Monday

Since we were all a bit sunburned from Sunday's pool side lounging, yesterday was a daytime inside day.  Charlie and Jack stayed at the resort and played putt-putt and ping pong, and napped.  The girls and I went shopping.   There is a great outlet mall at the end of International Drive that's full of great deals.  Of course, we started the day's adventure with a stop at Starbuck's.  We had to rev up for serious shopping.

After our long day of bargain hunting, we hit Chicago UNO for dinner (yumalicious) and then went to the pool.   Sarah, in particular, was ready for some scuba action.

We made a couple of new friends at the pool -

Snails were out in force last night, and Jack was loving it.   I only saw one tree frog, though.  Last year at home, we had hundreds of the little critters, but I haven't seen one there yet this year.  So it was nice to see this fellow on the fence last night. 
Today's a beach day.  It's been raining every afternoon around 4 here, so we're hoping that pattern continues, and carries over to the coasts.   By that time of day, we're usually ready to leave the beach and get the sand out of our - well, everything.   I want to take a nice family picture on the beach, but in all reality, I'm not sure I'll be able to get that done today.  Nobody's too willing to wake up and get moving and ready to go yet.  I guess we'll see what happens - this might be a totally wacky family pic today, and a nice one tomorrow.
Tomorrow is another beach day, and we get to meet Kathryn's college roommate.  Yay!  She lives here in Florida, and we are going to meet up with her and her parents for dinner.  I'm very excited about that!  It will be good to know who she's going to be spending so much time with during the coming school year. 
And now I'm off to try again to wake these folks up so we can get to the beach! 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Day Two!

Day two was our lazy day.  In fact, the HH didn't even wake up until noon!  Even I slept in until 9:30 - 10:00 ish.  We hung around at the resort and relaxed, spending quite a bit of time at the pool.  Our building is on the back side of the property, across a lake from the main building, larger pool, and such.  They have a pontoon shuttle service, though, to get guests back and forth across the lake.  Charlie didn't seem to mind the ride.

The girls love, love, love laying by the pool, as do I.  So, much to Jack's dismay, we lounged alot.  He's all about being IN the water - not BY it.  You can see by the look he was giving us, that he did not approve of our decision to stay on our loungers most of the time.

The afternoon was virtually perfect. There were just enough clouds in the sky to cool things off once in a while, and enough clear, sunny sky to make it really feel like vacation. 

After our much loved pool lounging time, the girls made sandwiches, and we went to - of all places - Wal-Mart to get hats to wear to the beach, and a few other small things.   

One of the best things about our vacations is that we all help out so that we can all really be on vacation - nobody ends up getting stuck with all the work.  We're cool like that.  :)

Tomorrow - Outlet mall.  And pools.  And relaxing.  And....   who knows!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

2013 Vacation... Day 1

Day one really kinda sorta spanned two days, since we packed up and headed out on Friday evening.  But...  I'm going to lump that all in to one day, since the time all ran together, anyway, during the marathon car ride.

Sarah took the first shift as vacation driver, with me riding shotgun as her "co-pilot".  She literally kicked off vacation, and got us well along the way.   Just before we left Illinois, we stopped for gas, and she and Kathryn switched.  The H.H. and I also switched "co-pilot" spots, and I moved to the back to try to nap for a while.   "Try" is the key word there.  I slept for about 15-20 minutes at a time.   I just couldn't get comfortable sleeping in a seated position!   Although, I did manage to sleep through our climb over and through the mountains.  Either that, or I intentionally tuned it out.  I hate, hate, hate that part of the drive to Florida!  Kathryn drove the entire way through the mountains, and I am SO proud of her.  I'm a grown woman who's driven the road several times, and it makes me nervous.  She's never driven it, and did great!

I took my shift as driver during the early morning.  I took us from somewhere south of Chattanooga, TN to a bit south of Macon, GA.  It was an easy drive, and I could have maybe continued, if I'd been able to have an espresso.  But every time I thought about stopping at Starbuck's, I also thought about how it would wake everyone, so I didn't stop.

In Tifton, GA, we got off the highway for breakfast, and hit up Cracker Barrel.  Jack was a little wary of the choice, after his last Cracker Barrel experience filled with way too much bland oatmeal, but....  we went, anyway.


I don't know if it was simply because I hadn't had any coffee in 24 hours, or because I was crazy-tired, but I truly believe the coffee served to me at Cracker Barrel was THE BEST restaurant coffee EVER.   Our waiter was pretty amazing, as well.   5 tired, hungry, and no-longer-looking-quite-so-fresh travelers got exactly what they wanted for breakfast, and left happy.

After breakfast, we made a stop at Starbuck's to feed my caffeine and espresso addictions, and we got stuck behind what I believe had to be a clown car in the drive through.  It was a small-ish car, but at the window, it seemed like they just kept handing them order and order, after order, after order.  It took FOREVER.  But, once we had our coffee, and made another quick stop for gas, we were good to go, and ready to head back to the highway.  Charlie was wide awake after his initial cup of Cracker Barrel coffee.  I think the girls, though, were just ready for a nap.

Most of the rest of the day was just filled with driving.  We were a little ahead of schedule, and so we detoured a bit, and drove along the Florida coast towards Daytona.  I was a little dissappointed that we couldn't see the water better, but I was also very impressed by the homes that were blocking our view.  The series of what must be multi-million dollar homes stretching from St. Augustine on towards Daytona is awesome! 

Getting from the coast to Orlando was uneventful.  There was expected traffic coming from the theme parks that made the trip take longer than we'd like, and it rained for a bit.  But that was the sum of the excitement.  We were pretty "done" with traveling, until we finally got to the resort.  After 18-ish hours in the car, we were sooooooo happy to see that Marriott sign!

The rest of the day and evening was spent getting settled in.  We got groceries, had dinner, everyone showered, and Jack and Charlie even wandered out for a little pool time before bed.  All-in-all, a really good vacation day 1.  

And now, on day 2, it's 10:30, and everyone but me is still asleep.  So, I'd say we've got a good start to a relaxing and good day 2!