Saturday, September 25, 2010


So, I pretend sometimes that I am a decent photographer.  And once in a while, I get lucky, and take a decent snapshot... 

Of course, as anyone who's ever tried their hand at photography knows, you get a good ONE out of every million or so, and the rest look more like this...

It's especially difficult to get a good shot when you're trying to capture action, like at a football game.

Even more so if you're doing it at night. 

Last night was our homecoming game, and, while I'm not much of a "football person", I decided to go.  After all, it was homecoming.  And since I pretend to be a decent photographer, I took my camera.  Kathryn's boyfriend plays on the varsity team, and I figured I could try to get a few good pictures of him during the game.  I took something like 300 pictures.  About 250 of them are even identifiable, and only about 6 are actually decent.

Oh, well...  At least I got those 6.  

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