Thursday, September 16, 2010


I went to see the doctor yesterday, and she ordered some lab tests to confirm that the wacky stuff really and truly is hormone-related.  Ya' know, they have to take THREE blood samples, each six minutes apart, to test for hormone levels.  Ouch. 

In the meantime, since she seemed relatively certain that it's a perimenopausal thing, she gave me a low-dose hormone to take. 

I am currently alot like that little ant - the one with the high hopes.  I'm ready for a decent night's sleep, and for alot less mood swings! 

Of course, it's not quite as easy or simple as all that...  I also have to see my primary care doctor, and a cardiologist (something about evaluating my risk, you know, since my dad and brothers have cardiac "issues", and these things tend to run in the fam...).   But still, I'm very hopeful that I can feel better soon.

I'm still having my soy milk every day, and exercising 3 or 4 (sometimes 5) times a week.  Now, I've just added to my menopause survival aresenal.  ;)

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