Sunday, October 10, 2010


The H.H. and I went for a drive today and ended up in Dixon Mounds.   I hadn't been to Dixon Mounds since I was too young to remember being there. 

It's a nice museum, but not as captivating as I'd expected. Don't get me wrong.  It was very nice.  There were three floors of displays, and quite a lot of artifacts.  I think I just expected something with more "pop".  I've heard about the place my whole life.  My mom really liked it, I think.  But she was there when "the mounds" were still there on display.  Now it's merely a monument to something that once was.  Maybe that knowledge somewhat diminished it for me.

The best part of the museum were these small posters that were hanging all over the womens' restroom.  They cracked me up.  Definitely not the usual "employees must wash their hands" sort of signs. 

Visiting Dixon Mounds was not our goal for the day.  We left home thinking we'd find some great fresh fruit stands, and see some colorful fall foliage.  Last year, we found some fantastic apples and blackberry preserves at an orchard just around the corner from Dixon Mounds, so I suppose we were headed back there all along, and I shouldn't be surprised to have ended up at the museum. 

After our successful apple quest, we came back to town for "the Big Birthday Bonanza" - a birthday party for Beth, Lauren, Kaleigh, and Jodi.  It was one of the biggest private parties the Mist has had, I think.  The birthday girls had a good time, that's for sure.  And so did everyone there.  It cannot be denied that my friends know how to throw a party. ;)  The birthday girls even had matching, customized shirts made for the party and each had a sparkly tiara.  There were birthday princesses!

Of course, just my luck, I felt yucky all evening.  I don't know if that was a result of eating "off limits" things Saturday evening, or if my dinner disagreed with me, or if it was hormones, or what.  But I was, and still am, nauseous.  I still had a good time, but it was a little guarded.

I actually can't wait for the esophagus scope thing on Thursday.   I have high hopes that they'll discover something about my tummy troubles, and they'll be able to send them packing...  I guess we'll find out soon enough.

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