I've been practicing with the camera. I *think* I'm getting better. It's tricky. I want to know what I'm doing - at least sort of, anyway. So I keep practicing. I've taken hundreds of really, really, really BAD pictures. Thank God they're digital, so I don't feel like I'm wasting any resources taking them.
I think I'm getting the hang of the lighting thing. It's not always so easy to tell what I need, but... once in a while I get it right... I'm also getting better at composition again - at being aware of what's in my frame, and how it's going to look in the picture. Like this hanging lantern and it's shadow. I like the way I caught it.
I'm also getting better at figuring out the depth of field stuff... making the background more blurred, so it seems less "there", and so the subject image seems to pop more. (I'm still working on it, but I'm getting there.)
I suppose I should consider myself lucky that Jack continues to allow me to use him as my main guinea pig. He's pretty patient when I say "don't move".
We have a super-busy weekend coming up, so I should get plenty of opportunities for more practice!
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