Friday, April 1, 2011


I am so thankful for my health! I take it for granted much too much.  I'm glad I've made such a conscious decision to live a more health-filled lifestyle.  I am healthy, and so is everyone in my family (well, except for the H.H. who seems to always have a cold lately!), and I want us to stay that was for many long years. 

So, I plan healthy meals, use less processed and more fresh veggies, fruits, and grains.  I maintain a membership at the gym for all of us.

It's easy to get into a rut, and forget how lucky you are.  And then you see someone who's ill, or unable to live the life that you do, because of poor health, or disease.  And it makes you stop and assess your life, and realize what fortunes you have.

I have great fortunes!

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