Thursday, April 14, 2011

Status Updates

I've been terribly remiss about blogging lately.  But it seems I'm right on top of my facebook status updating...  So I thought maybe if I review the last couple of weeks' worth of status updates, I'd get a picture of what's been going on.    Here goes, working from today back...

April 14 at 9:25 pm:  In case you didn't know, asthma sucks. Plain and simple. And even worse is not being able to get away from things that make it worse... :(

April 10 at 6:22pm:  That last breeze I felt through the window was cooler, and not so muggy... Could be time to batten down the hatches. The front may be starting to roll through soon.

April 10 at 4:10pm:  Someone told me that their young 'un likes cars and toys from the movie Cars. Who is it?  

April 10 at 4:08pm:  We obviously have at least one wasp's nest somewhere around the house, and I'm NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT! I'll be sprayin' the heck out of it when I find it!

April 10 at 7:32am:  Ah... A sunny Sunday, lots of claratin and aller-eyes drops, and many, many peeps just waitin' to have their picture taken. You'll see what I'm talkin' about later today... Hehe!

April 9 at 4:19pm:  How very international that my Asian pear was grown in Chile...

April 9 at 10:56am:  There are only a few people who could get distracted and end up in a 30 minute conversation about kilts and pipe bands with a total stranger. I am one of them. :D on the bright side, I guess the Irish guy at County Market isn't so much of a stranger anymore. Happy Saturday!

April 9 at 8:36am:  This morning's life lesson... Short-ish hair lends itself to extreme bed head. :(

April 8 at 7:00am:  Happy Disco Friday! Get up and get groovin', and have a GREAT day!

April 7 at 6:17pm:  I'm so sorry to inform y'all that today was my FRIDAY! I'm a busy little baker tomorrow for the Sherman Methodist Church chicken dinner on Saturday. Name your dessert... Of course, you have to come to the chicken dinner to get it, but, hey... I didn't say I'd just hand it to ya'. :D

April 6 at 12:50pm:  Quick lunch for me, and then back to work. Spicy peppered tilapia and yellow squash. Yummmmmm!

April 6 at 12:49pm:  Happy Tartan Day!

April 5 at 9:04pm:  People! If you haven't already, now is the time to sign up for the fatass 5k. It's got to be filling up fast - don't miss out! You can run, walk, skip, stand along the side of the road and make fun of me, eat donuts, drink beer, and do it all for charity!  Friends of ours founded this event, and they've done a FANTASTIC job making it great! Support a great day of local fun!!

April 3 at 7:32pm:  By the way, if tomorrow I mention anything about yellow brick roads, munchkins, or flying green witches, you'll understand what I meant tonight when I said IT'S WINDY!  I won't need a tornado to take me to Oz, the wind we've got right now will do it! It sounds like my roof is going to be moved to another house!

April 3 at 7:25pm:  Yes, indeed. You have seen this one before. But I'm checking out how well this pushes through from flickr. :D Thank you for your patience. Go have dessert.

April 3 at 12:42pm:  It's a PERFECT day for a ball game (especially with beer & lunch included!). Yay!

April 2 at 6:27pm: Soooo... what would y'all do if you caught a certain little boy destroying the tulips? I'm thinking a "work order" to plant about 100 more this fall might be in order. Ya' think?

April 1 at 2:30pm:  Hey, my friends from way back... Mr. Nilhas' obituary is in today's SJ-R....

And that sums up the past couple of weeks.  

Tomorrow, maybe I'll be a wee bit more original in my posting.  Assuming, that is, that the asthma doesn't do me in tonight....  Ugh.  Asthma sucks.

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