Friday, May 20, 2011


We've all heard it...  A smell, or a taste, can bring an age-old memory washing over you.  It is SO true, and it just happened to me.  I just had a few red raspberries, and as soon as that first berry hit my lips, and I got a slight whiff of it's sweetness, I was taken back to a time when I was young - 8, maybe younger.   I closed my eyes for a minute, right there in my kitchen, and tasting and smelling those raspberries, I would have sworn I was a kid again, standing out in our yard with my dad, him handing me a few fresh red raspberries straight from our scraggly little raspberry vine.  I felt like I was back there, in 1970-something, barefoot in the grass, wearing one of the sundresses my mom had made, feeling the warm sun on my cheeks, excited to taste the warm sweetness of the few raspberries we would get from that little vine.  Excited and happy to be sharing them with my dad.

Those raspberries I ate tonight were the best thing I've had in a long, long time.  I'm soooo glad I chose them!

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