Wednesday, May 25, 2011

On my way to work today, I drove past one of the city’s weekly rental converted-from-a-motel “residences”, and I saw a little boy emerge from a room. He was wearing what looked like pajamas, but I knew he was dressed for the day, because he had his backpack on his shoulder, and was headed in earnest toward the bus stop. Seeing him broke my heart a little. I know he didn’t wake up in his own room, and he doesn’t have a big backyard to play in, or a garage full of baseballs, skateboards, and bikes. He probably didn’t have to worry about which designer jeans to wear today, or if he’ll be able to get a new Wii game this week.

God has blessed me and my family in ways I can barely comprehend. We have everything we need, and most of what we want. We are so fortunate, and I am so very thankful.

I hope one day, when they are older, the kids can look back and appreciate what they had growing up… rooms of their own, bikes and balls, skateboards and scooters, a big backyard, pets, neighborhood friends, more clothes than they can possibly wear out or use up, dinner together as a family most nights, a warm and safe place to call home…

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