Friday, November 11, 2011

Such a Slacker!

I really AM such a slacker about blogging sometimes.  I think I could find more time, but... it never seems to really materialize.  ANYway, I HAVE been thankful this week, even if I haven't kept up on my posts. 

On Sunday the 6th, I said on fb that I was thankful for the friends I've made since I met and married the HH, moved to Sherman, and joined the church here.   And I really and truly am.  On Sunday night, the church youth group, and their families, were invited to the Henrickson's house for a cookout.  I am so often humbled by the generosity of the people I know!  The Henricksons welcomed a small crowd to their home, where kids of all ages ran around like crazy, playing football and games, singing, eating, worshipping (it IS youth group!), and having a great time.   While the kids played, the adults talked and laughed.   Nights like that make me realize how very fortunate I am.

Monday the 7th was a slightly different sort of thankful.  I overslept. While I DID set my alarm on Sunday night before going to bed, I did NOT set it correctly.  Somehow, I managed to set it for PM instead of AM.   UGH!   As usual, I didn't wake when the HH got up at 4:30 for the paper route, but thankfully, at 5:35 (ish) when he returned, I did hear the garage door opening.  Thankfully, that was still early enough that I could manage to rush and get out the door on time! 

On Tuesday the 8th, I didn't manage to get anything posted, but I most certainly was thankful.  Around 3:00 that afternoon, I started to get feeling back in my nail bed!  I haven't had ANY feeling in my fingertip or nail bed since the surgery last month to remove a cyst.  I was typing, and as I hit the keyboard, I FELT IT!  I was so excited!  I still don't have full feeling in that fingertip, but at least I know that it's coming back, albeit slowly.  I finally managed to post about that on Wednesday.  (talk about getting behind!)

Wednesday and Thursday, well...  I was slackin'.  Wednesday, I THOUGHT about what I was thankful for.  Really, I did.  I just never quite made it to the computer to post anything.  And that was due to one the very things I was thankful for.  I had choir practice at church, followed by a committee meeting, and so I was away from home for most of the night.  I am thankful that I can be involved at our church.  We have an active, growing church, and I'm glad to be a part of it.   On Wednesday, I was also very thankful to know a GREAT mechanic who takes care of us.  The clutch on the car is going out, and our go-to guy, Steve, checked it out, tried to apply an interim fix, gave us some advice and options, and did not charge us for his time.  What a guy!  I say it all time, and I'll say it again...  we know some of THE BEST people!  

I could probably have come up with a hundred ways to be Thankful for Thursday being my Friday yesterday.  But more than that, I was consciously aware of being thankful that I am not miserable.  It seems like there are way too many people in our world who are unhappy, and express it in a myriad of ways.  I'm SO thankful to not be so unhappy that I have to end up "sharing" it with the world.

And now it's Friday the 11th.  11/11/11.  Veteran's Day.  I am thankful for everyone who is braver than I, for those who selfLESSly defend me and my fellow Americans and our way of life.  I am especially thankful for my favorite veteran, my dad.  He raised me and my brothers and sister to be appreciative, loving, hard-working, and humble.  He taught us by example to be good citizens.  He's a great guy who served his country to his best ability as a soldier in the Philippines in WWII, and then came home to serve all of us to his best ability as a man.  I love him and respect him, and am thankful to have him in my life.

And now it's time to get off my slacker butt, and get something done!  It's a beautiful fall day, and I've got about a thousand beautiful fall projects to work on around this house! 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Festival Of Trees

Today, I spent the day on the Illinois State Fairgrounds, in the Orr Building, at the Memorial Medical Foundation's Festival of Trees super set up day.  This is (I think) the 9th time I've done something at the Festival of Trees.  I am so very thankful that I am able to do this again this year.   My family has always used Memorial, and they've always gone above and beyond - from the time I was born, to when my dad and brother had their open heart surgeries, to many other life events, and doing a tree for the Festival of Trees is a way I feel I can give something back.  They take my tree, make it part of a great week-long event, and raise a large amount of money that they use to do a large amount of good.

Here's a picture of me and my tree.  I'm not at my best in this one, but...  by this time, I'd been on my feet all day, wiring ornaments one-by-one to the tree, and was covered in glitter, hot, thirsty, and ready for a break.

If it hadn't been for my very good friend, Jennifer, I'd probably STILL be there.  She came out and helped me all day - with attaching wires, and hot gluing, and pretty much whatever I needed.  She was a life-saver!  Some people hot glue every ornament onto the trees they decorate, and I supposed that is probably a simple solution to the requirement that everything be firmly attached.  I just can't do it, though.   It takes longer to wire each ornament onto the branches, but taking that extra time means that the tree and the ornaments can all be disassembled and re-used.  I know some businesses that sponsor the Festival, and get to take a tree at the Festival's end, do just that... they disassemble and re-use everything to raise additional funds for charity through sale and/or auction of the items. 

I just have to go back tomorrow and put a few finishing touches on my tree, like place the tree skirt, and then I'll be done.  The only thing left to do after that will be to enjoy the Festival of Trees Gala next weekend, and then the Festival itself the following week.

I can't wait!

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Little Off Track

I got a little off track this morning, and ended up running late. Granted, I got off track because I was getting something accomplished (dinner is prepped, in the fridge, and ready to pop in the oven!), but I ended up running late nonetheless. 

It’s OK.

The kids get themselves ready for school now. Once they’re awake, they’re pretty self-sufficient these days. So I was able to run around like crazy, haul some serious ass, and get out the door on time. Once I was in the van and on the road, I realized what a HUGE deal this is. It means they’re growing up, and behaving responsibly. It means they can take care of themselves just a little more than they used to be able to. It means (yikes!) that I have a house full of young… adults.

I posted to facebook today that I am thankful the kids are old enough to get themselves ready, but now that I've thought about it a little more, I think I have to alter that statement a little.  I'm thankful today that the kids are becoming wonderful, and mostly responsible, young adults. 


Thursday, November 3, 2011


It’s November. An month of giving thanks in America. Since November is right smack dab in the middle of autumn, it’s also a month of giving thanks in a lot of other places, too – thanks for things like a bountiful harvest after a prosperous growing season. Last year, a friend of mine on facebook started November off by making a commitment to post daily one thing she was thankful for, and challenging her friends to do the same. I loved, Loved, LOVED the idea, and took the challenge. This year, I’m doing it again. And this morning, I decided I should do more than just a simple, few-word facebook post. I decided I should expand on each day’s post here on my blog. So…. Here goes nothin’.

Today, I posted that “I’m so thankful for music in my life… In all its forms.”

This little bit o’ thankful popped into my head when I got into the car, and my current favorite song was on the radio. Funny thing was, I had been consciously humming it as I was getting ready to head out the door just moments before. When I heard it on the radio, it put a smile on my face. And then I started to consider songs from throughout my life, and how they’ve offered a backdrop to events along the way – ranging from “Pomp and Circumstance” played during graduation ceremonies, to “Hey, Wife” played by my friend, Victor’s, band at my wedding celebration. Music plays a huge role in our lives. Songs can bring back memories, change our mood, calm our fears. Music can make or break a movie. It can nudge us to make a purchase. It can set the tone for a season (just think “Jingle Bells”).

Music does so much more, too. It gives kids an edge – it gets their minds working in a different, and creative, way that helps them become better learners. It lets all of us express ourselves in very personal and unique ways – whether through music we make ourselves, or through music we choose to listen to. Sometimes it unites us, and connects us to one another (think “Star Spangled Banner”, and tell me THAT doesn’t make you feel connected to your neighbor).

I have known amazing people, and made lifelong friends because of music. Friends made during the days of Shekina tours, friends made at church choir rehearsals, friends made during high school musical performances, and friends found listening to folks play their instruments (and sometimes playing along with them!).

So, today, I acknowledge that music – in all its forms – is something to be immensely thankful for.  

Music rocks! ;)