Saturday, November 5, 2011

Festival Of Trees

Today, I spent the day on the Illinois State Fairgrounds, in the Orr Building, at the Memorial Medical Foundation's Festival of Trees super set up day.  This is (I think) the 9th time I've done something at the Festival of Trees.  I am so very thankful that I am able to do this again this year.   My family has always used Memorial, and they've always gone above and beyond - from the time I was born, to when my dad and brother had their open heart surgeries, to many other life events, and doing a tree for the Festival of Trees is a way I feel I can give something back.  They take my tree, make it part of a great week-long event, and raise a large amount of money that they use to do a large amount of good.

Here's a picture of me and my tree.  I'm not at my best in this one, but...  by this time, I'd been on my feet all day, wiring ornaments one-by-one to the tree, and was covered in glitter, hot, thirsty, and ready for a break.

If it hadn't been for my very good friend, Jennifer, I'd probably STILL be there.  She came out and helped me all day - with attaching wires, and hot gluing, and pretty much whatever I needed.  She was a life-saver!  Some people hot glue every ornament onto the trees they decorate, and I supposed that is probably a simple solution to the requirement that everything be firmly attached.  I just can't do it, though.   It takes longer to wire each ornament onto the branches, but taking that extra time means that the tree and the ornaments can all be disassembled and re-used.  I know some businesses that sponsor the Festival, and get to take a tree at the Festival's end, do just that... they disassemble and re-use everything to raise additional funds for charity through sale and/or auction of the items. 

I just have to go back tomorrow and put a few finishing touches on my tree, like place the tree skirt, and then I'll be done.  The only thing left to do after that will be to enjoy the Festival of Trees Gala next weekend, and then the Festival itself the following week.

I can't wait!

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