Friday, November 11, 2011

Such a Slacker!

I really AM such a slacker about blogging sometimes.  I think I could find more time, but... it never seems to really materialize.  ANYway, I HAVE been thankful this week, even if I haven't kept up on my posts. 

On Sunday the 6th, I said on fb that I was thankful for the friends I've made since I met and married the HH, moved to Sherman, and joined the church here.   And I really and truly am.  On Sunday night, the church youth group, and their families, were invited to the Henrickson's house for a cookout.  I am so often humbled by the generosity of the people I know!  The Henricksons welcomed a small crowd to their home, where kids of all ages ran around like crazy, playing football and games, singing, eating, worshipping (it IS youth group!), and having a great time.   While the kids played, the adults talked and laughed.   Nights like that make me realize how very fortunate I am.

Monday the 7th was a slightly different sort of thankful.  I overslept. While I DID set my alarm on Sunday night before going to bed, I did NOT set it correctly.  Somehow, I managed to set it for PM instead of AM.   UGH!   As usual, I didn't wake when the HH got up at 4:30 for the paper route, but thankfully, at 5:35 (ish) when he returned, I did hear the garage door opening.  Thankfully, that was still early enough that I could manage to rush and get out the door on time! 

On Tuesday the 8th, I didn't manage to get anything posted, but I most certainly was thankful.  Around 3:00 that afternoon, I started to get feeling back in my nail bed!  I haven't had ANY feeling in my fingertip or nail bed since the surgery last month to remove a cyst.  I was typing, and as I hit the keyboard, I FELT IT!  I was so excited!  I still don't have full feeling in that fingertip, but at least I know that it's coming back, albeit slowly.  I finally managed to post about that on Wednesday.  (talk about getting behind!)

Wednesday and Thursday, well...  I was slackin'.  Wednesday, I THOUGHT about what I was thankful for.  Really, I did.  I just never quite made it to the computer to post anything.  And that was due to one the very things I was thankful for.  I had choir practice at church, followed by a committee meeting, and so I was away from home for most of the night.  I am thankful that I can be involved at our church.  We have an active, growing church, and I'm glad to be a part of it.   On Wednesday, I was also very thankful to know a GREAT mechanic who takes care of us.  The clutch on the car is going out, and our go-to guy, Steve, checked it out, tried to apply an interim fix, gave us some advice and options, and did not charge us for his time.  What a guy!  I say it all time, and I'll say it again...  we know some of THE BEST people!  

I could probably have come up with a hundred ways to be Thankful for Thursday being my Friday yesterday.  But more than that, I was consciously aware of being thankful that I am not miserable.  It seems like there are way too many people in our world who are unhappy, and express it in a myriad of ways.  I'm SO thankful to not be so unhappy that I have to end up "sharing" it with the world.

And now it's Friday the 11th.  11/11/11.  Veteran's Day.  I am thankful for everyone who is braver than I, for those who selfLESSly defend me and my fellow Americans and our way of life.  I am especially thankful for my favorite veteran, my dad.  He raised me and my brothers and sister to be appreciative, loving, hard-working, and humble.  He taught us by example to be good citizens.  He's a great guy who served his country to his best ability as a soldier in the Philippines in WWII, and then came home to serve all of us to his best ability as a man.  I love him and respect him, and am thankful to have him in my life.

And now it's time to get off my slacker butt, and get something done!  It's a beautiful fall day, and I've got about a thousand beautiful fall projects to work on around this house! 

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