Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Not Giving Up

I've taken a picture nearly every day for at least the past couple of years.  Last year, I bought the Project Life kit, and really got going on it at the beginning of the year.  But then I realized a couple of things....  One, sometimes life gets busy, and I miss a day's picture.  It shouldn't stress me out.  Also, with five of us in the house, some days there are 5 things going on that all deserve a mention in the POTD club.  So, I changed my thinking a bit.  I take a picture of MOST days.  And some days I take lots. 

For 2012, I'm changing it up a little more...  I think I'll blog the PO(most of)TD, and then at the end of the year create a blog book.  At least, that's my plan for now.  I may change my mind - I've been known to do that.  Especially if the kids want the actual prints to pick up and pass around and look at as the year goes by. 

Of course, whichever method of documenting I go with, I'm documenting memories, and that is what matters.

And I am NOT giving up on 2011...  I have all the pictures, and I've journaled MOST of the days... and I WILL finish, and I WILL get them all posted to the POTD blog.  I will. 

Just not tonight.  ;)

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