Sunday, November 7, 2010

Florida Citrus Stand

Yesterday's stop at a Florida Citrus Stand = Best Stop Ever. Talk about nice people!  These were the nicest!  They even let me take a couple of pictures with our gnome, which was great.  And, as it turned out, the guy there was from Illinois.  What a small world!

That small world phenomenon was even more obvious last night at the Acoustic Cafe restaurant where we ate dinner.  As we were getting out of the car, a man spoke to us, asking what part of Illinois we are from.  He, too, was from Illinois.  And...  better yet, we'd parked right next to him and hadn't even noticed his license plates.  This in and of itself would be enough to merit a "what a small world" comment, but there's more. 

He knows our friend, Bill.  In fact, he worked with him for a while.

What.. the... heck?  Now THAT's a small world!

Anyway, the Acoustic Cafe was neither acoustic, nor was it a cafe.  It was a tavern with a really loud 80's cover band using WAY too many speakers that were WAY too big.  But they had decent burgers, and really good sweet potato fries.  (It's hard to find a good sweet potato fry - especially in Illinois!)  Those fries were more like dessert than a side dish.  They were seasoned with just the right amount of brown sugar, and I loved 'em!

The band was warming up while we ate our dinner, and they were LOUD.  I don't think they were really taking the size of the tavern into consideration the way they probably should have been.  We hung around for a while to see them play, but they didn't start on time, and we had to leave to go back to the hotel while they were still getting changed and putting their makeup on.  Before we left, though, we did get a chance to snap a picture of our gnome trying to steal the spotlight.

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