Monday, November 22, 2010

Karate And Such

First of all, let me own up to being a slacker.  I don't post nearly as often as I should.  I know that.  It's rough, though, sometimes....  Between working, and doing house "stuff", and getting in a work out here and there, and driving everyone to where they need to be, and anything else that comes up, it can be rough to find time to focus my thoughts and write anything even remotely coherent.  With that out of the way, and off my chest, it's on to discussions of karate...  and such.

Jack.  Is.  A.  Brown Belt!  Ya-hooooooooooo!  He worked hard, and practiced lots for it.  And he endured the most thorough testing he's gone through yet.  And he earned his brown belt.   I'm so proud of him!  And, he's so proud of himself, too.  You could really tell that when he was posing for a picture with the black belts.

Karate has been great for Jack.  It's allowed him to really learn about discipline, and about setting goals, and about respect, and hard work. 

Last week, everyone from all of our Yoshukai dojos got together in Lincoln for a breaking clinic.  It was a good clinic.  The younger kids got opportunities to break, and got some extra instruction in technique.  It was good for everyone who participated. 

Jack broke a few times, and learned alot about his breaking technique.  Of all the "cool" things about karate, I'm pretty sure breaking is probably Jack's favorite. 

I've taken - literally - hundreds of pictures of Jack and his friends in karate class.  (OK, OK, OK...  they are mostly of Jack, but there ARE alot of his friends, too!)  I'm going to have to go through them this week, and get them onto a flash drive to share with the others at the dojo, for newsletters, bulletin boards, or whatever.  At least my camera habit might finally prove useful!

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