Friday, November 5, 2010

Our Last Day (for now!)

Well, today's our last day in Florida, and it's CHILLY!  Right now, it's only around 50 degrees, which is quite a bit cooler than the 70 degrees it's been on previous mornings.  A cold front pushed through yesterday with the rain, I guess.   Chilly or not, we are going to make it a great day!

I had really hoped we'd get to see the space shuttle launch while we were here, but it seems it's just not meant to be.  There've been mechanical delays, weather delays, and now a fueling system leak is causing yet another delay.  So... Instead of watching history, we're going to have to make our own history.  I'm thinking there is an historic round of putt-putt in our future.  There are several super-cool putt-putt/adventure game places here, and I think everyone can enjoy that today.

Yesterday was a mostly lazy day for us.  It rained most of the day, so we couldn't really swim, or do anything else outside.  Sarah and I went for much-needed pedicures and a little shopping while the H.H. and Jack stayed at the condo and hit the pool and hot tub in between rain showers.  Jack would swim in just about any weather conditions.  He's in LOVE with the water.   The rest of us, though, prefer to go inside when the raindrops start falling, so the H.H. got a nap in, as well, which made him quite happy.  

While Sarah and I were shopping, I found the Brighton store.  I am so glad I did!  I have charms and/or charm bracelets from almost every state I've been to.  My mom started that collection for me before I even knew what a collection was, and I'm oh-so-glad she did!  Brighton has several unique state-themed charm bracelets, that the salesclerk explained are only sold by Brighton locations within the states they represent.  Naturally, I got the Florida one.

Back at the condo, I found this guy hanging out just outside our window.

The condo is on a golf course, so I'm pretty sure the wildlife here is quite accustomed to human interaction, which made it easy for me to open the sliding window and take this picture without scaring him away.  Yes, I am a little bit of a geek - I love birds.

Anyway... Thursday night at the condo ended with pizza and a couple of movies.  Not too exciting, but very relaxing.    And I'm confident that today will be nice and relaxing, too, though filled with a bit more activity.  Stand by for an update! 

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