Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Homecoming Success!

The girls both had a fabulous time at homecoming!  I'll admit, I was a little worried for a while - what with all the fuss about fixing hair, and finding shoes, and all that junk.  I was, indeed, a little worried that they wouldn't have a good time. 

But they did.

They really did.

And they looked so beautiful!  And so grown up. 

I didn't get to take the pictures of Kathryn and her friends before they left for dinner.  I was frantically curling Sarah's hair.  It took longer than I'd anticipated to get her lovely locks transformed into loose, tousled, flowing curls.  So...  I sent the handsome husband, armed with the Canon, to snap some shots.  And he did a fine job!

Both girls went with a group of friends - Kathryn with a smallish group...

And Sarah with a rather large one...


Sarah's group of friends met at one house for pictures and dinner.  The girls, in particular, had fun with the pictures.

After lots and lots - and lots - of picture taking, the kids all had dinner together (served to them by us parental-type folks) and then rode together to the dance in one big RV.  It was a great send off!

And Sunday was spent retelling story after story about what a great time they both had at the dance, which is EXACTLY how homecoming is supposed to go.   Guess my little bit of worrying was for naught.   :)

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