I should be slogging, not blogging... but here I am. Unable to motive to put on those running shoes, worried more about my zillion loads of laundry and pile of dishes that need done. (OK, well, not THAT worried, obviously, since I'm sitting at my little desk blogging away... but you know what I mean!)
It's homecoming weekend for us, and I'm SO excited about it. Yes, I do realize that it's silly for me to be excited. After all, I'm not going to get dressed up and go to a dance. It's a different kind of excited. It's a parent kind of excited...
Kathryn's a Junior this year, so it's a whole different kind of homecoming for her. She's almost all grown up. She's an upperclassman. Ah.... upperclassman. I remember those two years.... you're the "big kids", the ones who set the tone for just about everything in the high school. Juniors really do rule. Seniors are mostly coasting - just about over high school, ready to get out and start living life. And the underclassmen are still trying to find their niche, figure out the pecking order, and settle into high school. Yup. Juniors rule. So it's GREAT year for Kathryn. She's going to homecoming tonight knowing she'll make it a fun night with friends.
Sarah, on the other hand, is a Freshman. Everything's new to her this year. It's her first big "dress up" dance. She'll walk in there tonight, and be so excited just to be experiencing it all. I remember that feeling, too, and I remember it's such a great feeling! It's sort of a "I'm really in high school" feeling. She's finding her niche, and figuring things out. She's going to have such a great time at her first homecoming dance, learning so much about the fun part of high school life.
And they are both going to look fabulous! It's so fun for me to see them all dressed up, with hair and nails done, wearing heels, and beautiful dresses. I can't wait!
But, now, in the meantime, I really do have to get busy on the laundry and cleaning. I've procrastinated slogging completely out of my morning, but the chores just won't go away.
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