I had a little ganglion cyst removed from my wrist, and also a tiny little cyst removed from the tip of my middle finger, early yesterday morning. Of course, as would be my luck, both hands were involved, so I was mostly useless yesterday, laying around with both hands iced, and propped on pillows. But today is a totally different story. I'm really surprised at how good I feel. I know the doctor told me it wouldn't be bad, and that I would be back to work on Monday with just band-aids, but I expected at least a little more pain than I've had. I'm thrilled at how I'm doing. Just a little tylenol, and I'm mostly fine. Granted, I can't lift anything very heavy, and I don't have full dexterity right now, but overall, I'm having a "normal" day. Especially with a little (OK, alot of) help from the H.H. and from Jack.
Tonight is our church's major fall fundraiser - a chicken dinner, and I didn't get any desserts made for it "pre-op" on Thursday night. I was feeling bad that I wasn't contributing this time, so Jack helped me out by whipping up some brownies. I love the fact that he likes to cook. And the fact that he's getting good at doing alot of it on his own.
With my "semi-down" time, I have been able to get a little bit caught up on my Picture Of The Day page. I may not be able to type very fast, but I can type, and thanks to spell check, it ends up alright. Hopefully, I can get completely caught up, and then keep up on it. I've had to manipulate the dates a little to keep the pictures in order, and I hope I'm keeping that all straight. Lots more updates until I'm finished, but I'm at least finally making headway!
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