Monday, October 17, 2011


I actually forgot all about taking this picture, even though I was really excited about it at the time.  I guess I've been preoccupied with my surgery last Friday, and then a busy weekend full of activities that I muddled through with my bandaged hands.

I've been trying to take a picture of this little guy for weeks.  Literally.  OK, well...  I've been trying to take a picture of this little guy, or one of the other 200 of his buddies that look just like him, for weeks.  They live in the beautiful, massive knockout rose bushes at Grab-A-Java on Hedley Street.  Every day, I pull in and take my place in line, patiently waiting for my turn to order coffee (which I never actually have to order because someone always has it ready for me when I pull up to the window because they are THAT good there).  I usually sit next to the rose bushes for at least one car's order time ahead of me.  And every day, I try to take a picture of the little birds.   I roll down my window about half a block before I turn in.  I even started holding my camera up so the little guys wouldn't be scared by the movement of me lifting it.   All to no avail.  Half a second before every shot, they always fly away.

Until last Thursday.  Last Thursday morning, after I had my coffee in hand, and was about to pull out onto the street, I looked over and saw this little guy perched so nicely, as if he was patiently waiting for me.   I rolled down my window.  He didn't move.  I lifted my camera.  He didn't fly away.  I took a picture.  And another.  And another.  He stayed.  Granted, it's not the best picture ever taken, but...  it's a start. 

If you know me much at all, you know I've taken hundreds of pictures of birds.  And if you know me much at all, you know that only 3 or 4 of said pictures are any good.  I guess I keep taking more (and more) pictures because maybe I'm just not ready to give up.   Maybe I just need to be more patient.  

I'll work on that this week.

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