It's been more than just a little busy lately. I'll start with today, and work my way backwards. (yes, I know - today... NOT a day behind!)
Today, the girls left for Florida with their high school choir. They're traveling by bus, and they'll end up at Disney World in about 18 (-ish) hours.
They've been on bus trips before, so they know the pitfalls, and they were dreading them - the cramped feeling, the smelly bathroom, the random laugh, snore, or giggle in the middle of the night, the slight hint of b.o. that lingers by the end of the trip... But they also know there can be some highlights, too - laughing, talking, sharing with friends, learning about each other, and making memories. Hopefully, the good will outweigh the bad, and they'll have a good trip, and arrive unscathed.
The girls both got their hair done today, and both looked great. Kathryn got a little burgundy-ish color on hers, and Sarah just got hers sort of freshened up with the same color as her natural highlights. After a few days and a few washings, the color will be more subtle, but still look great. I love that they are growing up, and enjoying some "girly-girl" stuff like that. Nothing wild or crazy, just a little conservative fun with their hair. It's good that they can express themselves like that - it's part of growing up as a girl.
(Jack had to hop in the pic and show Sarah a little love!)
On Monday, Sarah's softball team was invited to come out to our house for an informal team-building cookout. We grilled hot dogs, and the girls each brought a little something to share. It wasn't a late night, but they did stay for a few hours, and seemed to have a good time hanging out together. It's nice to see girls from different schools come together and have fun doing something they really enjoy. This softball team is definitely a good thing (albeit, a very time-consuming one!)
Saturday's and Sunday's free time was pretty softball-filled, as well. At least it was for Sarah. She went to watch a softball tournament on Saturday, and her summer team played in tournament all day Sunday, and then her high school softball team had it's awards banquet on Sunday evening. The awards banquet was really nice - they had a great catered meal, and the coaches made some fun presentations to the girls. I'm really glad Sarah was on the team this past year. She has made some great friends, and learned ALOT about being part of a team.
While all this softball was going on over the weekend, the HH was in Chicago to help my brother work on my niece, Amber's house, and Kathryn went with him. She had pipe band practice on Friday night, so they drove up together, and Kathryn was able to just hang out while the guys worked. It's a rough job, you know - playing with a cute 2-year old, and taking walks along Lake Michigan's shore - but I suppose someone's got to do it. And if it can't be me, at least it's someone I love.
Sarah and I did the paper route on Saturday and on Sunday.
I didn't sleep at all on Friday night because I was afraid I'd oversleep on Saturday and mess up the route schedule. And Saturday night wasn't much better. I don't know how the HH does it every morning. It sucks to get up at 4:30, and have to actually be functional! Sarah did all the work. I just drove her around, basically. I know the paper route is a good, easy, one-hour-of-work-a-day way for the girls to have spending money, but I couldn't do it every day. I must be wimpier than I realized!
Sarah, bless her heart, made my day on Saturday. I came downstairs, and she took my picture and sent it to the HH. She told him I looked sexy. :) I'm not thinkin' I was looking all that fabulous, but hearing her tell me sure made me feel good! This is me in all my not-so-fabulousness....
Last week, Sarah's summer team (yup - softball again!) played two games on Wednesday night, and played pretty well! It was fun watching them.
BUT... and this is a huge BUT.... I'm not going to be able to watch them play often. Whatever is in the dirt on the fields at UIS had a HORRIBLE effect on me. Even being fully dosed on my allergy meds, my eyes were itchy, red, and swollen. I ended the night at home with an ice cold washcloth covering my eyes, praying that the swelling would go down and that the itching would stop. By Thursday, my eyes hurt so much that I jokingly posted on fb that "I'd give my eye doctor a zillion dollars if he'd see me right now" (something along those lines). And wouldn't you know it... Bill N. saw it, and called my eye doctor to tell him! (He's a friend in common.) We had a good laugh about that when I did go to see him this Monday! I have my ridiculously expensive allergy eye drops now, and I'm doing much better, but I really don't know that I'll risk too much time at those softball fields. They kill me!
OK, well, that's probably about it for the past week or so. That's alot of rambling. Vacation is coming up - hopefully that will mean more time to post. Although, I've got the three "Shades of Grey" books loaded to my kindle app, so I might be doing more reading than posting. We'll just have to see...
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