Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sarah's softball team played in the state finals last night, and won!  Now, they are going to play for the state championship this afternoon!  Yesterday's game was super-exciting.  And it was really great to see a literal ocean of purple there to support the girls!   I can't wait for today's game!  I know there will be a HUGE crowd of local folks there to support the girls, so I think we will definitley have to go early to get a seat in the bleachers.  I can't imagine how excited and nervous the players must be...  It's definitley a weekend to remember for all of them!

It's probably a weekend to remember for Jack, too...  though in a much different way.  At Jack's orhopedic specialist appointment yesterday, we did find out a couple of things...  Most surprising was the fact that what we initially thought had been a stress fracture, was really a true, through-and-through break!   Here's a picture of the x-ray.  Jack made sure we got a print of it.  ;)

They think it probably happened about six weeks ago, and is mostly healed now.  He must have a ridiculously high tolerance for pain, because he never really complained.  He never complained of an injury, a bad fall, anything.  He only complained that his leg hurt "a little" or sometimes was "a little achy" -  usually after track practice, or a baseball game.  We figured it was just because he'd been growing so rapidly (several inches in the past couple of months) - especially since the pediatrician's office told us about Osgood-Schlatter, and how that achy hurt feeling happens when active kids with it are actively growing.    

The ortho specialist did agree with the pediatrician's office that Jack has Osgood-Schlatter, so that "growing pain" achy part of stuff will continue for a while, until he's done growing.  Poor kid!  Now he has a soft cast / boot to wear for the next 4 weeks.  Even though his break is already mostly healed, the boot will help slow him down so it can really get fully healed and get stronger.   Plus, we told him, he'll get lots of sympathy from girls while he's wearing it!  Ha!

Of course, as is the norm for our family, there's more than one thing going on this weekend....  Kathryn is in Milwaukee with the Midlothian pipe band for a competition.  I think I always sound too harsh when I talk about her going to things by herself.  I used to drive myself to just about every corner of the state beginning the summer before my senior year, and so for me it seems normal that she do the same.   But I'm really sort of nervous about it.  I know she is old enough, very mature, and very capable.  But it still makes me nervous - Mostly just because I think she was a little nervous.  :)  But, she's with great people from the pipe band world this weekend, and I know she's having a great time, and she's fine.  So, what I really need to be nervous about for her is the competition!  I hope she places in her dancing, and I hope the band brings home good scores!

Today is also our church's work day, but I don't think I'm going to be able to get there to do much helping...  With everything else going on, I'm getting way behind on the things I need to take care of.  So I'm about to kick myself into high gear, and get a few things accomplished this morning before we have to head out for the softball game.  While I'd truly prefer to sit here and watch Dale, our resident chipmunk, run back and forth across the porch, and laugh at Bella the Cat, as she tries to "talk" to the cardinal that is seemingly taunting her by hopping along the porch railing, I really need to get moving, so....

Talk at you later!

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