Friday. The last day of vacation. While I'm anxious to get home to my own shower (the one here is not one I'd choose...), that's about it for now. I've been really happy to be away all week. The resort has been nice, the beaches have been lovely. It's been a good week, overall.
But enough blah blah blah about the last day...
The HH took the kids to Universal Studios parks on Tuesday, while I did some shopping. I rarely get to go shopping lately, and I was LOVING it. I only got a couple of things, but buying wasn't my objective. Shopping has little to do with buying for me. It's more about being alone with my thoughts, walking around through stores and shops, and relaxing while I just look at everything. I miss doing that. So Tuesday was a great day for me. And in the late evening, after the fam was finished with their day at Universal, the HH and I went to Landry's restaurant for a late dinner, and then to BB Kings to listen to music. It was GREAT!
Wednesday was another beach day for us. Once we were all up and moving about, we piled into the van and headed to Daytona Beach.
There's some weather stuff going on out in the ocean, and so the water was REALLY choppy, and it was crazy-windy. There were riptide warnings, too, and the lifeguards made people stay very close to shore. On a couple of occasions, they had to actually blow their whistles, and get the attention of people who were swimming too far out. Kinda scary, but it didn't bother us. We were able to have plenty of fun in the waves that were coming in. Because it was so choppy, there were some decent waves to jump in right along the shore.
After "beaching" for a few hours, we walked along the Daytona boardwalk, looked at a few shops, and got some ice cream before heading back to the highway. And, of course, before leaving Daytona, we made a stop at the raceway. That place is HUGE. I knew it was big, but until I saw it - live and in person - I just really couldn't fully imagine it. I don't think I've never seen so much spectator seating in one place. Wow! I can't imagine being there for a race, when it's packed with people.
The HH was particularly happy to have seen the raceway, since he is such a huge NASCAR fan. and even I am glad we stopped - it was cool to see it.
By the time we got back to Orlando, it was (of course) rush hour, so it took us practically twice as long as it should have to get back to the resort. We made a quick stop at the grocery store, and then spent the evening relaxing, doing lots of nothing. (what vacation's all about!)
I got up on Thursday, and hit the fitness center again. I've made it there a few times this week, and I'm glad I did. My days are always better if I make time for my cardio, especially. The fitness center here is the largest I've seen at a resort so far. And it's always busy. I guess that means that there are some smart folks staying here this week. ;)
Nobody wanted to go back to the beach on Thursday, so I took the girls to the outlet mall for a little Victoria's Secret bargain hunting, and then we just hung out most of the day at the resort. The HH had to sign in to work for a few hours, and Jack developed a little bit of a migraine. So Thursday was pretty uneventful. The kids got pizza for dinner, and Charlie and I went to The Pub for a while. It was a really cool bar. Loud, but cool. They had more imported beer on tap than I've ever seen. And the menu featured two pages full of single-malt scotch options. The servers were all dressed in kilts or short kilties, and the atmosphere was very old brittishy looking. It was cool! No gluten-free beer, though, so I had to stick with a cider.
And now here it is, Friday. Our last full day here. I'm getting ready to go to the fitness center for some time on the elliptical, and then I have no idea what we are going to do with our day. It's a bit overcast, so not quite as hot today. The girls talked about renting a boat to go out onto the lake here at the resort. I'd still like to take some more pictures around the resort, and around Orlando. And Sarah is seemingly DYING to find a go-kart track. But I have no idea yet where we'll end up today. I just know we'll certainly have a good day!
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