Monday, June 4, 2012

A Day Behind?

I guess it's normal to always be blogging about yesterday...  After all, I can't really talk about today until today's happened.  And by the time I have time to sit down and talk (type) about anything, I dont' want to forget whatever happened yesterday, so that's what I end up blogging about.  So I guess I'm going to have to be OK with being a day behind most of the time.

Yesterday afternoon, the softball team climbed up onto one of the fire engines and rode through town - first through Sherman on a Sherman truck (until the department got a call, and the truck had to be on stand by while the other truck went on that call!), then through Williamsville on a Williamsville truck.  The Williamsville truck took them to the high school, where a decent little crowd of parents and friends were waiting to greet them for a trophy presentation, and a rally.  It was really cool to see so many people there to support the girls.  That's one of the best parts of living in a small town - we all know each other, and we all stand together at times like that.

After the rally, I went to a meeting at church about our upcoming Vacation Bible School.  I told them I'd help with crafts.  It will be fun - we're doing a really cool "backstage" theme this year that the younger kids will really be able to have fun with.  And, it's also a theme that the big kids who will be helping (and even the adults) can have fun with, too.   I can't wait for July!

And now I'm sitting here decidedly NOT drinking my glass of water because I left the room for a few minutes, and I think maybe the cat is looking guilty...  like she hopped up here on my desk and had a drink while I was gone...  Maybe it's time to take the glass to the kitchen, and call it a night.

Until tomorrow...  when I'll talk about today, which will then be yesterday.  Or something like that. :)

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