Thursday, July 14, 2011

About Last Night...

In addition to my go-kart initiation last night, we spent a little time away from the Branson strip.  We went to the Bass Pro Shop, and did some window shopping.  I popped into the Brighton store (of course) and got a Missouri charm.  We also went on the hunt for a 100% local place to have dinner.   The H.H. and I both believe that the chain restaurants are good, and you know what to expect, but they don't always have the charm that a local place can have. 

We ended up at an Italian place called Rocky's.  We had a good meal, and enjoyed some lively conversation with the host.  During that conversation, we discovered that our waitress was part of one of the local shows, and talked for a little while about Branson, and what life there was like.    It was a good time.  And you know the go-karts were fun.   But then...

I got sick in the middle of the night.  Ugh.  I'm the only one who had chicken, and that's the only thing I ate last night,so I'm reasonably sure it was the thing that didn't "agree" with me.  I don't know if I had a bug of some sort, or if it was just about the food, or what...  but it was NOT the way to spend one of the nights on vacation.  :(    Thankfully, it didn't last long, and I'm feeling OK now.

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