Tuesday, July 12, 2011

More from Tuesday the 12th

Charlie took the kids fishing somplace just over the border into Arkansas all day on Tuesday, and I lounged by my lonesome at the resort.  I had time to kill, and I loved it1  I went to the work out facility at the resort, and logged a sweet 5k on the good ol' treadmill.   And then I spent nearly the rest of the day poolside. 

When the crew returned after a very long, hot day, they tried to tell me that they hadn't caught anything.  I might have fallen for it, if Jack weren't such a terrible liar, and such an excited and anxious to share kind of kid.  They opened the cooler, and pulled out a decent haul of fish.    While the rest of us showered, and tried to sooth a nasty sunburn on Kathryn's back, Charlie cleaned and prepped 'em for a meal later in the week.

20110712-010 by Mary Sunshyn
20110712-010, a photo by Mary Sunshyn on Flickr.

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