Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Shoes, Shoes, Shoes!

Sarah and I met Tonya, Heidi, and several of the Jr. High/High School girls at Payless shoes tonight, and the girls picked out the shoes we will be taking with us for the South Dakota shoes drive. 

It's starting to seem so much more "real" now that we have the shoes!  I'm excited about going.  I'm looking forward to meeting the families at the shoe drive, and to having some good times along the way.

Matt is in town this week.  His great grandmother died, so he is here for the funeral.  He's also setting up a new laptop for the H.H. and spending a little time with the fam.   He called to invite Sarah and me to have lunch on Sunday, which was a pleasant surprise.  We picked him up and went to the Corner Pub, and then brought him back to the house with us so he could work some computer geek "magic".  Sunday night, we got another pleasant surprise when Doug Hefflin and his wife and mother-in-law came over and we all trekked to Riverton for dinner at France's. 

I said a couple of days ago that this would be a busy week, and it is!  Tomorrow night, Sarah and Charlie are going to St. Louis to see Journey.  Then there are still dentist appointments, school physicals, piano lessons, karate, band, and much more to get through in the next few days.  I'll be ready for a day off by the end of this week!

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