Sunday, July 10, 2011

My Husband Snores

My husband snores.  For real.  I'm not talkin' about some silly little slumber land purring.  I'm talkin' about rattle the rafters and wake the dog kind of stuff.   So I'm usually a little - and maybe even sometimes alot - tired in the morning.  I hardly ever get a full night's sleep.  And last night was no exception.   Even in a cushy resort king sized comfy bed, I couldn't sleep through the 2:00 am super snore. (Granted, I'm also a little bit menopausal and haven't really slept since that all began,either, but I'm not talkin' about that right now....)  So, at about 2:15 this morning, I found out that the comfy-looking couch cushions really ARE pretty darn comfy.  And now it's later on Sunday morning, on day 2 of the family vacation, and after several cups of ridiculously strong coffee, I'm on the balcony of our Branson condo, blogging away like a good little geeky girl.

Day one of this summer's family vacation got off to a rushed start.  The week leading up to vacation was even worse.  The Handsome Husband and I both had to be busy, busy, busy with the responsibilities of life during much of our would-be vacation prep time, so yesterday morning I did a last minute run to get the oil changed in the van.  Someone please remind me to NOT do that again.  Murphy's law was in full force and so what I'd expected to be a quick stop took 4 times as long as it should have, and was about 99 times as frustrating as it needed to be.  The worst part was that I had to virtually run through the grocery store on the way back to the house to get my "secret compartment surprise" for the kids.  Our van has four drop down compartments for storage, and last year when we left for our first big family vacation together, I stashed Twinkies in the compartments.  They loved it, and have referenced that off and on every since, so I couldn't skip doing something this time, too.  The secret treat this year was Hostess mini donuts - every compartment got a pack of chocolate covered and a pack of powdered mini donuts.  And, as expected, they loved it.   It sort of "kicked off" the road trip.

As for the road trip, well...  it was blissfully short this time.  We can road trip - don't think for a second we can't...  We made it to Oregon and back with more van time than we could keep track of. And Florida isn't just a hop and skip away.  I think that's what made yesterday's 6 hour drive so sweet.   The only major stop we had to make was for lunch at Mickey D's.

The shorter drive time meant much less "are we there yet" time, and more actual laying-by-the-pool and fishing-by-the-lake time!  In fact, we were poolside by dinner time last night.

We're staying at a Marriott resort, and it is wonderful...  There's a large pool area, and tons of activities in the common areas like horseshoe pits, basketball courts, pool tables, shuffleboard, and even a fire pit for cool nights, though I don't think we'll see any of those this week.   Today is definitely a pool day for me, and the H.H. and the kids have gone to find a prime fishing spot.  It is definitely summertime, and it is definitely vacation time.  This was the scene this morning once everyone was up and moving, and out of their respective bedrooms.  Jack's got the living room as his for the week, and so once the crew was out of their beds, his bed (a.k.a. the pullout) became the place to lounge.

The resort condo layout works great for us...    The H.H. and I have our own room with a private bathroom, the girls have their own room, and each have their own bed, and share a large bathroom.  And Jack is cool with the pullout.  He's almost always the first one awake, so there's rarely any concern that the rest of us will need to use the living room before he's up.   The condo has a nice kitchen, and a dining area, as well as this nifty balcony that I'm still lounging around on.  And even though we are right on the strip in Branson, you'd never know it.  The resort grounds are private, and quiet, and pretty self-contained.  It's perfect.

And now, it's pool time for me!

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