Thursday, July 14, 2011

Scuba Gear and a Fish Fry

For me, vacation week with lots and lots of poolside time was perfect!  The kids and I bought "scuba gear" (swim masks) so we could really play in the water, and I could swim around with my contacts in.  We had a BLAST.  We each had "scuba" names like Scuba Stan and Scuba Jim, and when the masks were on, we took on our scuba identity. 

Some of Kathryn's pool time got cut short because of the sunburn she got when they all went fishing, and that was sad.  Her arms ended up itchy and covered with an annoying sun poison rash if she was out in the sun too much.  So her pool adventures had to come in shifts - pool for a while, then shade for a while.  Still fun, but a little bit of a bummer for her.

After the scuba adventures of the day, we threw together our version of a fish fry.

When all was said and done, it was a pretty yummy dinner.  Charlie made several pieces of fish and some potatoes for me without using wheat flour before he fried up the rest of the fish.  So we all got to enjoy a great dinner.

And after dinner...  more go-karts! 

This time, we went to the four-story metal track. 

It was MUCH faster than the wooden track!  Everyone made fun of me because I used the break on the big ramp.  Even using the break didn't really slow me down, though!  In fact, on one pass around the track, Jack ended up sideways coming down two of the ramps!

It was definitely a good way to wrap up day 6 of vacation!

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